E. ellenbeckii  PaxE. ellenbeckii

Distribution:  Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia; on stony limestone slopes, in open bush land; at 250 to 1100 m altitude.

Description: Dwarf euphorbia, densely branching from the base, forming little cushions of 45 cm in diameter and 15 cm height; branches cylindrical, not constricted, often spreading, 10 to 20 cm long, 8 to 14 mm in diameter, tuberculate, tubercles in 5 series, spirally arranged; spine shields T-shaped, separate, pale fawn becoming greyish-white, spines in pairs, variable in the size, 1 to 22 mm long, widely divergent, with 2 small prickles, 0.5 to 4 mm long; leaves rudimentary, soon deciduous; cymes solitary, peduncles 2 mm long, cyathia 2.5 mm in diameter, pale cream to pinkish-yellow, involucre cup-shaped, glands 2 mm across, contiguous, yellowish pink. Similar species: E. inaequispina N.E.Brown, for differentiation see there.

Culture: Somewhat sensitive to excess water, reduce watering during winter, minimum temperature 12 °C; propagation by seeds and cuttings.
